Mr Chips is born...
isn't it gorgeous?
and how was the delivery?
well, it was raining, but we took a taxi so it wasn't so bad at all...
must be said, it sure has a joyous owner...
so here I am, geek in the making.. quite happily so actually..
I wiped windows off it straight away and installed Ubuntu-Linux...
an installation so easy it was hard to believe.. put the live CD in, have a tour first, then click on install...
and that's about it really..
Windows is definitely trickier for newbies such as myself.. Especially when it asks (and it always does..) you a question type ... or... and the only answer you can think of is 'hm, yes'...
know what I mean?... on my own?
Have been reading about the Linux history and politics, interesting and full of sense if you ask me...
There are some good books out there that help getting started with linux:
Beginning Ubuntu Linux
that's the one I've started reading and despite being pretty hefty, it's a very comprehensive guide...
and oh man, does it feel good not to be using microsoft.....
Linux seems to be doing pretty well for itself in the Czech Republic - i've done a wee survey with my students (around about 100), and definitely most of them have heard about it, and close to a third use or have used it...
humm.. that's what I like... totally non-accurate statistics...
Other news... My favourite music magazine Vibrations now has a website... in French.. so get your translators on!
it's simply awesome, it looks good, it ranges from artists'playlists to events guide, from news to downloads...
and most importantly, it listens to music rather than look at it... meaning that they thrive on being modern, open and hungry to sounds from all different continents...
I certainly don't know much about music websites, but sure, I know what I like.. and there's definitely enough to read on that site to keep me busy for another while...