Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the saints are locked up in Mikulov... 31 days, pix update


simple pleasures galore in the last 4 weeks... dodgystereo's gig in fleda/ Conal defeated by quality Czech pork/ a week off work/ day trip to Mikulov/ freaking awesome pancakes/ Polish- German jazz trio in Stara Pekarna..
appreciate all those moments and memories all the more as.. back to work.. good but very busy too...

some pix from the last few weeks

got loads more pictures.. might just have to get a flicker acount thingy at some stage...
but oh, man, was it worth bringing the camera to Holy Hill in Mikulov!!

all the saints are locked up there!!!!!!
never saw anything quite like it...

gonna get a 2nd hand PC this week hopefully, linux myself up....
the pen might be mightier than the sword.. fine with that..
just very excited about visual diaries at the mo...
not sure why so... and most unlikely to worry about it as well...

Good people,
peace to you all

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Blogger dodgystereo said...

Saints in cages, whatever next?

2:00 AM  

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