Tuesday, April 18, 2006

wielkanoc (minus the spelling mistakes)

the Easter break's just finished... It's been a family catch-up ocsasion, with 3 of the famous Cullen gang visiting Poland..
We spent about 3 days inWarsaw.. this city definitely has a weird quality to it: despite the overwhelmingly present buzz (on the scale of any european capital city, i.e. numerous flyers and posters advertising gigs and exhibitions, and an unbelievable quantity of street art/ see www.dodgystereo.blogspot.com for more info on the stencils spread all around the city), you can of wonder where are the people...
they're probably much wiser than us 'fresh tourists', and don't hang around the city centre...
it's probably the kind of place where you're much better off knowing some ' experienced locals'!!!!!
But hey, the Cullens got to try some bigos and pierogi...
as well as discovering with great dedication the polish beers!
Ah, that was a happy Easter...
On a different note, the pix is a view from the kitchen window... where Barry states that the wee granny across the street appeared in the buff, yes...in the buff... to let her dog out...
and I was just thinking that after all, this view is my daily soup for the next 7 weeks only...
oh well... so much for time passing..


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